Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Are We Really a Sum of the Decesions We Make?

Have you ever thought about how the decisions we make on a daily basis define who we really are? What do you give priority to in your life? Who are you trying to impress? What are you trying to accomplish? These series of questions should get us thinking about the types of decisions we are making in our daily lives and how they impact the positive or negative transformations that occur within ourselves.

It has been said there are two types of decisions being made. The most critical are moral decisions that can be defined as decisions related to principles of right or wrong. Some examples of moral decisions in a college environment are whether or not to use profanity, get intoxicated, use drugs, have premarital sex, fight or harass fellow students and cheat in your classes to name a few. As we are faced with these types of decisions, what or who are we basing our morals on in our lives? Is it what other students or friends are doing and what is culturally acceptable or are you basing your moral decisions on the inherent, perfect Word of God?

The second type of decision is a priority decision. An analysis of these decisions will provide clarity to what is really important to each of us. Some examples in a college environment could be choosing to go to church on Sunday versus sleeping in, studying for an upcoming test versus staying out late, spending time with your boyfriend or girlfriend instead of with your friends, reading the Bible at night versus going straight to bed and calling home to talk to Mom and Dad versus playing video games with your friends. I hope you can see from the examples provided how priority decisions define what is really important to us.

Imagine for a moment if you took every decision you are going to be faced with and based your answers on the Bible. How do you think it would impact your life and equip you during your transition from adolescence into adulthood? I would dare to say your decision making skills would be greatly enhanced and you would be blessed for following God’s instruction for your life. We are truly the sum of the decisions we make and it is crucial to understand the consequences of our actions. By keeping God first in all you do, the transition to adulthood will continue to take shape with every Godly decision you make.

Your Brother in Christ,

Miguel "The Hitman" Viera #40

"Committed to tackling souls for Christ"

Visit to read about Miguel's new book "Walking on Higher Ground and Awakening the Spirit Within: A Christian Student Athlete's Spiritual Journey Through the Doors of College and Beyond." To learn more about Playing for Jesus Ministries, visit To watch a recent television interview on "The Harvest Show" about the book and ministry, visit the archive link listed below:

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