Monday, February 2, 2009

Is Your Soul Satisfied?

Have you ever asked yourself that question before? As we move forward in this life, it is not uncommon to have to deal with periods of disenchantment. Series of high and lows that can be tied to anything from getting good grades in school to breaking up with your boyfriend or girlfriend. From getting that much needed raise at work to losing your job due to a struggling economy or worse, having failing health. There is no doubt that our feeling and emotions are significantly affected by such events and could even lead ourselves to possibly ask that question, “Is my soul satisfied”?

When I think of that question, I immediately think of Proverbs 27:7 that says “A satisfied soul loathes the honeycomb, but to a bitter soul every bitter thing is sweet.” What exactly does a satisfied soul look like if we were to paint a mental picture? For me, Isaiah 49:16 describes something that not only puts my soul at ease but makes me feel safe, secure and totally satisfied. It says “See, I have inscribed you on the psalms of My hands; Your walls are continually before Me.” Imagine being inscribed on the hands of God! Our obstacles are His obstacles. If He is living in us through a personal relationship with Christ, we face our challenges and tribulations with the power of God on our side through the Holy Spirit.

What does a bitter soul look like? Proverb 27:7 says “to a bitter soul every bitter thing is sweet.” If your soul is not satisfied, you are going to look at different ways to fill it up. It is like putting water in a bucket that has a hole in it. It is going to get filled up but before long the water is going to leak out the hole. Do we get excited about buying new clothes or going on vacation? Of course, we do. That is our natural tendency. How excited are we about those new shoes after we have worn them for a year or the vacation after six months have passed from taking it? Probably not quite as excited. I’m obviously using examples that are on the light side but hopefully you get the picture.

When God is on our mind and lives in our heart, the bucket doesn’t get empty. It doesn’t need to be refilled. He has taken up residence within us and we are called His children and He is our Father. One who will never leave us or forsake us. It is comforting to know He is with me wherever I go and there is a place in His house for me. That is what I call an everlasting satisfaction : )

Your Brother in Christ,

Miguel "The Hitman" Viera #40

"Committed to tackling souls for Christ"

Visit to read about Miguel's book "Walking on Higher Ground and Awakening the Spirit Within: A Christian Student Athlete's Spiritual Journey Through the Doors of College and Beyond." To learn more about Playing for Jesus Ministries, visit