It has been said many times before that the third time is a charm. As my wife and I recently welcomed the birth of our third child and first girl into our family, I couldn’t help but notice many of her first experiences in the hospital. As soon as she was born, she took her first breath of fresh air and with that let out her first cry. As her eyes opened, she took in the many sights that surrounded her and her precious ears were without a doubt flooded with noise and busyness. She felt another human’s touch, probably had a foul taste in her mouth and even a grumbling in her tummy for some food. There must have been a multitude of thoughts going through her head with so much to take in at once.
That is the physical birth in a nutshell along with all the pricking, poking and touching that takes place in the first 48 hours of life but what about the spiritual birth. What in the world are people talking about when they say you must be born again? What does it really mean to be living for the first time? Even Nicodemus was confused when talking to Jesus in John chapter three. Nicodemus said in John 3:4 “How can a man be born when he is old? Can he enter a second time into his mother’s womb and be born?” Jesus tells Nicodemus in John 3:5 “Most assuredly, I say to you, unless one is born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God.”
We all experience being born of water which is of the flesh; however, not everyone makes the decision to be born of the Spirit. Jesus goes on to share what is arguably the most significant verse in the Bible. In John 3:16 he says “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life.” Being born again occurs when you personally believe God sent His Son, Jesus Christ, to die on the cross for your sins and accept Him as the Lord of your life.
Just like a child that is born into the world for the first time, a new believer in Christ will see the world in a different light. They are no longer shackled by their sins because they have been forgiven as so fittingly described in 1 John 1:9. You are filled with the Holy Spirit and are promised eternal life in Heaven. I really believe when a person comprehends their talents, time and resources are not theirs but the One who created them, they begin living for the first time. Doing all to glorify God and His Son while loving God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength and loving your neighbor as yourself. I dare you to fully embrace Christianity and not be forever changed. The void is finally filled with a relationship with Christ and your earthly purpose is ultimately discovered. That is what I call living for the first time!
Your Brother in Christ,
Miguel "The Hitman" Viera #40
"Committed to tackling souls for Christ"
Visit to read about Miguel's book "Walking on Higher Ground and Awakening the Spirit Within: A Christian Student Athlete's Spiritual Journey Through the Doors of College and Beyond." To learn more about Playing for Jesus Ministries, visit
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Thursday, September 10, 2009
What Do You Call Your Best Friend?
I love getting the opportunity to hear individuals share their personal testimonies or offer words of encouragement to fellow brothers and sisters in Christ. There are always golden nuggets of information that can be extracted and utilized as we journey forward in this lifelong adventure of growing closer to Christ. This past Friday I got the opportunity to hear a gifted speaker share an incredible story about his thoughts on the judgment we will all face when this life comes to an end. Although there were many golden nuggets extracted from what he shared that day, this is what I feel compelled to share with you.
There was a specific point in the story where the arrival of Jesus was being announced and the heavenly angels started the introduction of all introductions. After all, He is the very Son of God! They proclaimed with all encompassing, heavenly resounding voices, “He is the First and the Last, The Beginning and the End, The Way, The Truth and The Light, King of Kings, Lord of Lords, Prince of Peace, Yahweh, Savior, Messiah, Comforter, Friend, Great Shepherd, Mighty Counselor, Great Jehovah, Mighty Lord (Can you imagine the anticipation of His arrival?), Author of our Salvation, King of Israel, Bread of Life, Creator, Deliverer (Would your Spirit be overcome with joy or would you be fearful of His arrival?), Faithful and True, Chief Cornerstone, Faithful Witness, Morning Star, Our Holiness, True Vine, Only Begotten Son of God, Living Stone, Lamb of God, He is Jesus Christ!”
It is hard for me to even fathom the applause and rejoicing over His arrival after what would be without a doubt an incredible and magnificent introduction. Although there are many more names to describe “Almighty God,” how long would that introduction last? How many names would be used that we never even thought of before or even heard? Would our chests be pounding with fear or with exaltation over getting to see the Creator of the Universe for the first time?
I share this with you because it reminded me of the importance of never forgetting my first love and best friend, Jesus Christ. All these names to describe the only person in the world that can transform and save anyone’s life. When we pray to God, do we think of Him as only Jesus or God? What if we really made an effort to think of all the wonderful and fascinating names He has been referred to in the Bible? I think our faith would grow deeper as a result of not only learning His many names but also understanding why He is described in such a way. What do you call your best friend? I hope and pray it is Jesus Christ : )
Your Brother in Christ,
Miguel "The Hitman" Viera #40
"Committed to tackling souls for Christ"
Visit to read about Miguel's book "Walking on Higher Ground and Awakening the Spirit Within: A Christian Student Athlete's Spiritual Journey Through the Doors of College and Beyond." To learn more about Playing for Jesus Ministries, visit
There was a specific point in the story where the arrival of Jesus was being announced and the heavenly angels started the introduction of all introductions. After all, He is the very Son of God! They proclaimed with all encompassing, heavenly resounding voices, “He is the First and the Last, The Beginning and the End, The Way, The Truth and The Light, King of Kings, Lord of Lords, Prince of Peace, Yahweh, Savior, Messiah, Comforter, Friend, Great Shepherd, Mighty Counselor, Great Jehovah, Mighty Lord (Can you imagine the anticipation of His arrival?), Author of our Salvation, King of Israel, Bread of Life, Creator, Deliverer (Would your Spirit be overcome with joy or would you be fearful of His arrival?), Faithful and True, Chief Cornerstone, Faithful Witness, Morning Star, Our Holiness, True Vine, Only Begotten Son of God, Living Stone, Lamb of God, He is Jesus Christ!”
It is hard for me to even fathom the applause and rejoicing over His arrival after what would be without a doubt an incredible and magnificent introduction. Although there are many more names to describe “Almighty God,” how long would that introduction last? How many names would be used that we never even thought of before or even heard? Would our chests be pounding with fear or with exaltation over getting to see the Creator of the Universe for the first time?
I share this with you because it reminded me of the importance of never forgetting my first love and best friend, Jesus Christ. All these names to describe the only person in the world that can transform and save anyone’s life. When we pray to God, do we think of Him as only Jesus or God? What if we really made an effort to think of all the wonderful and fascinating names He has been referred to in the Bible? I think our faith would grow deeper as a result of not only learning His many names but also understanding why He is described in such a way. What do you call your best friend? I hope and pray it is Jesus Christ : )
Your Brother in Christ,
Miguel "The Hitman" Viera #40
"Committed to tackling souls for Christ"
Visit to read about Miguel's book "Walking on Higher Ground and Awakening the Spirit Within: A Christian Student Athlete's Spiritual Journey Through the Doors of College and Beyond." To learn more about Playing for Jesus Ministries, visit
Friday, July 31, 2009
Spirit Led Life
Quick! What are the nine fruits of the Spirit? I wonder if I just caught you off guard or if you were able to repeat them without missing a beat. Galatians 5:22-23 says, “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control. Against such there is no law.” Why does it matter whether we know the fruits of the Spirit and whether they are applicable to the law? The answers to those questions have the ability to significantly impact the remainder of your life and your effectiveness on Earth as a Christian.
I once heard a story about a person who said they have two dogs living inside of them. Everyone can relate to dogs in one way or another. The first dog is gentle, obedient and a joy to be around. The second dog is ferocious, unpleasant and often unpredictable. This person said these two dogs were at constant battle with each other day after day. The question was posed to him, who usually wins and he simply said, “the one that I feed more.”
Those two dogs represent the constant battle between the flesh and the Spirit. Prior to a person receiving Christ as their Lord and Savior, all they have is the flesh. When a person makes the decision to profess Jesus as their Lord and Savior, they receive the very Spirit of God. From that day onward, the constant battle ensues between the flesh and the Spirit.
I just love the answer that is given to the question of who usually wins. He says, “the one I feed more.” Think about that for a second. Let it really sink it and ask yourself this question, which dog am I feeding more on a daily basis? In other words, if the works of the flesh and the fruit of the Spirit are two separate trails, do your eyes, ears, mouth, hands and feet closely follow the fruit of the Spirit trail? Are we indulging in our “self-centered human appetites” or acknowledging the presence of the Holy Spirit, desiring its leadership and following its lead.
When we are in tune with the fruits of the Spirit and choose a Spirit led life, those fruits can be manifested throughout each day which is against no law. Others will see them and catch a glimpse of Christ because He is literally living through us! You see, we cannot generate these fruits by ourselves. “They grow as the result of Christians letting the Spirit guide how they live.” Galatians 5:25 says, “If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit.” Everyday we have the opportunity to become more like Christ (process of sanctification). What better way to achieve this than by focusing on consistently practicing love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness, faithfulness and self-control. That is a Spirit led life!
Your Brother in Christ,
Miguel "The Hitman" Viera #40
"Committed to tackling souls for Christ"
Visit to read about Miguel's book "Walking on Higher Ground and Awakening the Spirit Within: A Christian Student Athlete's Spiritual Journey Through the Doors of College and Beyond." To learn more about Playing for Jesus Ministries, visit
I once heard a story about a person who said they have two dogs living inside of them. Everyone can relate to dogs in one way or another. The first dog is gentle, obedient and a joy to be around. The second dog is ferocious, unpleasant and often unpredictable. This person said these two dogs were at constant battle with each other day after day. The question was posed to him, who usually wins and he simply said, “the one that I feed more.”
Those two dogs represent the constant battle between the flesh and the Spirit. Prior to a person receiving Christ as their Lord and Savior, all they have is the flesh. When a person makes the decision to profess Jesus as their Lord and Savior, they receive the very Spirit of God. From that day onward, the constant battle ensues between the flesh and the Spirit.
I just love the answer that is given to the question of who usually wins. He says, “the one I feed more.” Think about that for a second. Let it really sink it and ask yourself this question, which dog am I feeding more on a daily basis? In other words, if the works of the flesh and the fruit of the Spirit are two separate trails, do your eyes, ears, mouth, hands and feet closely follow the fruit of the Spirit trail? Are we indulging in our “self-centered human appetites” or acknowledging the presence of the Holy Spirit, desiring its leadership and following its lead.
When we are in tune with the fruits of the Spirit and choose a Spirit led life, those fruits can be manifested throughout each day which is against no law. Others will see them and catch a glimpse of Christ because He is literally living through us! You see, we cannot generate these fruits by ourselves. “They grow as the result of Christians letting the Spirit guide how they live.” Galatians 5:25 says, “If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit.” Everyday we have the opportunity to become more like Christ (process of sanctification). What better way to achieve this than by focusing on consistently practicing love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness, faithfulness and self-control. That is a Spirit led life!
Your Brother in Christ,
Miguel "The Hitman" Viera #40
"Committed to tackling souls for Christ"
Visit to read about Miguel's book "Walking on Higher Ground and Awakening the Spirit Within: A Christian Student Athlete's Spiritual Journey Through the Doors of College and Beyond." To learn more about Playing for Jesus Ministries, visit
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Marvelously Average

The word average is something people typically do not like to be called. When we refer to a sports team that is average, it usually means is has won just as many games as it has lost. When applying it to an individual we typically think of someone that is in the middle of the bell curve for whatever area being tested or evaluated. A common definition of average is “The usual or ordinary kind of quality.” That makes me think of eating a forgettable meal or watching a run of the mill movie.
Have you ever taken the time to think of what average looks like through the eyes of God? We are all incredibly amazing when pondering on these facts regarding humans. In “The Purpose Driven Life” Rick Warren says “the average person possesses from 500 to 700 different skills and abilities.” He also states “Your brain can store 100 trillion facts…Your mind can handle 15,000 decisions a second…Your nose can smell up to 10,000 different odors…Your touch can detect an item 1/25,000th of an inch thick…Your tongue can taste one part of quinine in 2 million parts of water.” That certainly sheds a different light on how we define average compared to God.
Let’s take it a step further and discuss His plans for our lives. Romans 12:2 says “And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.” Are we really being conscientious of our time and using it to renew our minds with God’s promises instead of falling for the lies of the world? Let’s never forget He has a remarkable plan for each of our lives. If we could put Romans 12:2 in an equation, I believe it would look something like this:
Good + Acceptable + Perfect Will/Renewal of Mind – Worldly Conformance =
God’s Plan for Your Life
1 Peter 4:10 says “As each one has received a gift, minister it to one another, as good stewards of the manifold grace of God.” As the old saying goes “Use it or lose it.” How different this world would be if we took more time to use our gifts to bless others. I think Paul says it best in 1 Corinthians 10:31 “Therefore, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.” When we focus our attention everyday on becoming more Christlike, average in our eyes transforms into how God looks upon us as marvelously average.
Your Brother in Christ,
Miguel "The Hitman" Viera #40
"Committed to tackling souls for Christ"
Visit to read about Miguel's book "Walking on Higher Ground and Awakening the Spirit Within: A Christian Student Athlete's Spiritual Journey Through the Doors of College and Beyond." To learn more about Playing for Jesus Ministries, visit
Have you ever taken the time to think of what average looks like through the eyes of God? We are all incredibly amazing when pondering on these facts regarding humans. In “The Purpose Driven Life” Rick Warren says “the average person possesses from 500 to 700 different skills and abilities.” He also states “Your brain can store 100 trillion facts…Your mind can handle 15,000 decisions a second…Your nose can smell up to 10,000 different odors…Your touch can detect an item 1/25,000th of an inch thick…Your tongue can taste one part of quinine in 2 million parts of water.” That certainly sheds a different light on how we define average compared to God.
Let’s take it a step further and discuss His plans for our lives. Romans 12:2 says “And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.” Are we really being conscientious of our time and using it to renew our minds with God’s promises instead of falling for the lies of the world? Let’s never forget He has a remarkable plan for each of our lives. If we could put Romans 12:2 in an equation, I believe it would look something like this:
Good + Acceptable + Perfect Will/Renewal of Mind – Worldly Conformance =
God’s Plan for Your Life
1 Peter 4:10 says “As each one has received a gift, minister it to one another, as good stewards of the manifold grace of God.” As the old saying goes “Use it or lose it.” How different this world would be if we took more time to use our gifts to bless others. I think Paul says it best in 1 Corinthians 10:31 “Therefore, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.” When we focus our attention everyday on becoming more Christlike, average in our eyes transforms into how God looks upon us as marvelously average.
Your Brother in Christ,
Miguel "The Hitman" Viera #40
"Committed to tackling souls for Christ"
Visit to read about Miguel's book "Walking on Higher Ground and Awakening the Spirit Within: A Christian Student Athlete's Spiritual Journey Through the Doors of College and Beyond." To learn more about Playing for Jesus Ministries, visit
Friday, March 20, 2009
Have You Given Up on Church?
Do you know anyone that has given up on going to church? Perhaps they say it is just not for them or maybe they had a bad experience that has not easily been forgotten. I recently received an email from an individual that said he has given up on organized religion. He stated his views are similar to Thomas Jefferson in that he believed in God but not in the church bureaucracy. Merriam-Webster defines bureaucracy as “a system of administration marked by officialism, red tape, and proliferation.” It would be interesting to know how many people quit attending church because of those three things.
Let’s put all the red tape aside and focus on the real reason we should go to church. Isn’t it really to feel good about ourselves? I hope you said “No” to that statement. The real reason is to worship God. Psalm 122:1 says “I was glad when they said unto me, Let us go into the house of the LORD.” I can honestly say that when I wake-up on Sunday morning, I’m actually excited to go to church. I’m expecting God to show up as I do my best to honor and glorify His name. I have an intense desire to know Him better and love Him more everyday knowing that He created me for the very purpose of having fellowship with Him.
In addition to worshipping God, there is also a significant amount of fellowship taking place with other Christians. Romans 1:11-12 says “For I long to see you, that I may impart to you some spiritual gift, so that you may be established – that is, that I may be encouraged together with you by the mutual faith both of you and me.” We should be excited to see our fellow brothers and sisters in Christ so we can encourage them in their faith and keep them in our daily prayers. They should also hold us accountable for how we are living our lives and vice versa.
I sincerely believe God created the church for a specific purpose. Romans 12:4-5 says “For as we have many members in one body, but all the members do not have the same function, so we being many, are one body in Christ, and individually members of one another.” The church is the body of Christ. It is where we discover our spiritual gifts and determine how to best utilize them to have the greatest impact on the kingdom of God. As your spiritual gifts are discovered, a bright light shines on the meaning of your existence on this Earth. When your purpose is clearly defined, the days of chasing empty pursuits fade away.
If you are looking for the perfect church, it is going to be a long, frustrating search. Not one is perfect but the Lord, Jesus Christ. It is important to attend a church where Jesus is honored, the Bible is taught and fully believed, and everyone is welcomed. I encourage you to not lose hope of finding the church God desires more than anything for you to attend. If your attitude is right and your heart is open, you will constantly find new horizons appearing and doors opening as you follow His will and way.
Your Brother in Christ,
Miguel "The Hitman" Viera #40
"Committed to tackling souls for Christ"
Visit to read about Miguel's book "Walking on Higher Ground and Awakening the Spirit Within: A Christian Student Athlete's Spiritual Journey Through the Doors of College and Beyond." To learn more about Playing for Jesus Ministries, visit
Let’s put all the red tape aside and focus on the real reason we should go to church. Isn’t it really to feel good about ourselves? I hope you said “No” to that statement. The real reason is to worship God. Psalm 122:1 says “I was glad when they said unto me, Let us go into the house of the LORD.” I can honestly say that when I wake-up on Sunday morning, I’m actually excited to go to church. I’m expecting God to show up as I do my best to honor and glorify His name. I have an intense desire to know Him better and love Him more everyday knowing that He created me for the very purpose of having fellowship with Him.
In addition to worshipping God, there is also a significant amount of fellowship taking place with other Christians. Romans 1:11-12 says “For I long to see you, that I may impart to you some spiritual gift, so that you may be established – that is, that I may be encouraged together with you by the mutual faith both of you and me.” We should be excited to see our fellow brothers and sisters in Christ so we can encourage them in their faith and keep them in our daily prayers. They should also hold us accountable for how we are living our lives and vice versa.
I sincerely believe God created the church for a specific purpose. Romans 12:4-5 says “For as we have many members in one body, but all the members do not have the same function, so we being many, are one body in Christ, and individually members of one another.” The church is the body of Christ. It is where we discover our spiritual gifts and determine how to best utilize them to have the greatest impact on the kingdom of God. As your spiritual gifts are discovered, a bright light shines on the meaning of your existence on this Earth. When your purpose is clearly defined, the days of chasing empty pursuits fade away.
If you are looking for the perfect church, it is going to be a long, frustrating search. Not one is perfect but the Lord, Jesus Christ. It is important to attend a church where Jesus is honored, the Bible is taught and fully believed, and everyone is welcomed. I encourage you to not lose hope of finding the church God desires more than anything for you to attend. If your attitude is right and your heart is open, you will constantly find new horizons appearing and doors opening as you follow His will and way.
Your Brother in Christ,
Miguel "The Hitman" Viera #40
"Committed to tackling souls for Christ"
Visit to read about Miguel's book "Walking on Higher Ground and Awakening the Spirit Within: A Christian Student Athlete's Spiritual Journey Through the Doors of College and Beyond." To learn more about Playing for Jesus Ministries, visit
Monday, February 2, 2009
Is Your Soul Satisfied?
Have you ever asked yourself that question before? As we move forward in this life, it is not uncommon to have to deal with periods of disenchantment. Series of high and lows that can be tied to anything from getting good grades in school to breaking up with your boyfriend or girlfriend. From getting that much needed raise at work to losing your job due to a struggling economy or worse, having failing health. There is no doubt that our feeling and emotions are significantly affected by such events and could even lead ourselves to possibly ask that question, “Is my soul satisfied”?
When I think of that question, I immediately think of Proverbs 27:7 that says “A satisfied soul loathes the honeycomb, but to a bitter soul every bitter thing is sweet.” What exactly does a satisfied soul look like if we were to paint a mental picture? For me, Isaiah 49:16 describes something that not only puts my soul at ease but makes me feel safe, secure and totally satisfied. It says “See, I have inscribed you on the psalms of My hands; Your walls are continually before Me.” Imagine being inscribed on the hands of God! Our obstacles are His obstacles. If He is living in us through a personal relationship with Christ, we face our challenges and tribulations with the power of God on our side through the Holy Spirit.
What does a bitter soul look like? Proverb 27:7 says “to a bitter soul every bitter thing is sweet.” If your soul is not satisfied, you are going to look at different ways to fill it up. It is like putting water in a bucket that has a hole in it. It is going to get filled up but before long the water is going to leak out the hole. Do we get excited about buying new clothes or going on vacation? Of course, we do. That is our natural tendency. How excited are we about those new shoes after we have worn them for a year or the vacation after six months have passed from taking it? Probably not quite as excited. I’m obviously using examples that are on the light side but hopefully you get the picture.
When God is on our mind and lives in our heart, the bucket doesn’t get empty. It doesn’t need to be refilled. He has taken up residence within us and we are called His children and He is our Father. One who will never leave us or forsake us. It is comforting to know He is with me wherever I go and there is a place in His house for me. That is what I call an everlasting satisfaction : )
Your Brother in Christ,
Miguel "The Hitman" Viera #40
"Committed to tackling souls for Christ"
Visit to read about Miguel's book "Walking on Higher Ground and Awakening the Spirit Within: A Christian Student Athlete's Spiritual Journey Through the Doors of College and Beyond." To learn more about Playing for Jesus Ministries, visit
When I think of that question, I immediately think of Proverbs 27:7 that says “A satisfied soul loathes the honeycomb, but to a bitter soul every bitter thing is sweet.” What exactly does a satisfied soul look like if we were to paint a mental picture? For me, Isaiah 49:16 describes something that not only puts my soul at ease but makes me feel safe, secure and totally satisfied. It says “See, I have inscribed you on the psalms of My hands; Your walls are continually before Me.” Imagine being inscribed on the hands of God! Our obstacles are His obstacles. If He is living in us through a personal relationship with Christ, we face our challenges and tribulations with the power of God on our side through the Holy Spirit.
What does a bitter soul look like? Proverb 27:7 says “to a bitter soul every bitter thing is sweet.” If your soul is not satisfied, you are going to look at different ways to fill it up. It is like putting water in a bucket that has a hole in it. It is going to get filled up but before long the water is going to leak out the hole. Do we get excited about buying new clothes or going on vacation? Of course, we do. That is our natural tendency. How excited are we about those new shoes after we have worn them for a year or the vacation after six months have passed from taking it? Probably not quite as excited. I’m obviously using examples that are on the light side but hopefully you get the picture.
When God is on our mind and lives in our heart, the bucket doesn’t get empty. It doesn’t need to be refilled. He has taken up residence within us and we are called His children and He is our Father. One who will never leave us or forsake us. It is comforting to know He is with me wherever I go and there is a place in His house for me. That is what I call an everlasting satisfaction : )
Your Brother in Christ,
Miguel "The Hitman" Viera #40
"Committed to tackling souls for Christ"
Visit to read about Miguel's book "Walking on Higher Ground and Awakening the Spirit Within: A Christian Student Athlete's Spiritual Journey Through the Doors of College and Beyond." To learn more about Playing for Jesus Ministries, visit
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